So today makes one year since Jason & I met. I can't believe it has already been a whole year! Even though it seems like I have known him forever, it sure doesn't seem like we have already been doing this for a year!
I had to work today at the rug store, we were busy busy busy of course, since it's Saturday. The day got off to a good start though, I sold a lot of rugs first thing this morning, which meant taking lots of big, heavy rugs down and rolling them up, and loading them up into people's cars. I was down on the floor on my hands and knees fighting with a rug, and in walks ANOTHER customer, except it wasn't a customer, it was a man holding a big vase of pretty flowers just for ME!! My sweet boy had made arrangements to have them delivered for me at work :) Such a romantic, how did I get so lucky??
So anyways, the flowers were sent to me because it has been 1 year today since the night that we met :) There was even a card that said "This has been the best year of my life! I can't wait for many more! Love, Boo-Boo ( I can't believe he told the florist to put that on the card, I know they thought he was crazy, haha). Who would have thought that night that 1 year from then, we would be planning our wedding??? Not either one of us, that's for sure! I still remember that night, I told him that I was never getting married, all men were dogs, and that one could come along and give me a baby and then move on along! He felt the same way, haha. One week later, we were talking about marriage...crazy huh?

We have come a long way over the past year, and I am happy to say that this whole long-distance relationship thing has actually made us a MUCH stronger couple, and also has helped us to be so much more open and honest with each other about our feelings, problems and anything else that is going on with our lives. Honestly, if he hadn't been moving to Alaska less than a month after we met, this relationship may not have gone anywhere. I told him from the beginning that if he liked me, then he need not play the usual "games" that guys play when they are trying to get a girl to fall for them, ie: playing hard to get, being a jerk ,etc. because I wasn't going to play those games, and we didn't have time for games since he was moving! SO, he ditched his "Pimp Daddy" ways, and completely stole my heart :) I couldn't be more happy with the way this relationship has developed into a love that I for one have never felt before, and I hope that it continues to get better and better every day, as we continue to grow as a couple and as individuals as well. I couldn't feel more blessed to have such a sweet, honest and

genuinely nice man in my life, and he is mine all MINE!! :) Okay, enough with the mushy gushy stuff. Haha! Now on to WHAT this past year has brought us to--a Wedding!!!
Things are finally all falling into place, slowly but surely. Save the dates have been sent out, hotel reservations have been made, we have the place, time, guests, cake, flowers, dress *ordered* not in my hands yet, decorations, etc. I can feel the bricks, one by one, being SLOWLY lifted off of my shoulders....a little over 2 months to go!

I had the day off on Thursday, which I spent booking things such as chairs and decorations for the ceremony on the beach. I also ordered our invitations, which are very cute by the way :) And what I am MOST excited about is our music. I was told by the people who are putting our wedding together that we probably wouldn't be able to have any music during the ceremony, its really hard to hear over the waves and wind on the beach. I was not very happy about it, but we finally fixed that problem and hired two violinists instead! She is also learning a song from the Twilight movie that I LOVE, to play sometime during the ceremony, just haven't decided when exactly. So I am VERY excited about that :)
Our plans as of right now are still the same. Jason will be coming home in just a few weeks, 3 weeks from today to be exact--YAY!!!! He will be home for a week, and we will be having our engagement pictures made, a shower, an engagement party, applying for our wedding license (and an

excuse to go to Myrtle Beach for a few days), and probably LOTS and LOTS of visiting :)
He will leave on July 5, and will be back on August 11. We will probably head down to Myrtle Beach when he gets here, and spend the few days before the wedding there. We are planning to have a little rehearsal dinner, more of an excuse to just get the families together to eat and mingle, the night before the wedding. Then, at ten o'clock in the morning on Saturday, August 15, we will be getting married! :) We will head down to Florida, go on a week long cruise, visit my jaw doctor who is also in Florida, and then head back to NC for one more week. The Saturday before we leave, we are planning to have a cookout/party for all of the friends and family that couldn't attend our wedding (our wedding will be small), and also spending time with friends and family as much as possible, because more than likely we won't be seeing them until after we leave Valdez. Me and Jason have decided to Boycott N.C for the next year, or at least until our families come and visit us first!!! So anyone from N.C. who wants to see us, you will have to visit the great state of Alaska!
Okay, enough for now, I think I have taken enough time from anyone who has been reading this!!! Adios Amigos--maybe next time I write I can sign it--"Mrs. Mozingo" :) Hopefully I'll have something else to write about before then though ;)
XOXO--from hot & sunny N.C.