You are on your last box of size 3 diapers, they are not fitting so well anymore :( You are growing much faster than I anticipated and I am worried that all of the summer clothes I have bought you are not going to fit you by the time summer rolls around. If we lived in NC where summer comes sooner--they would. Maybe we should spend the summer in NC? :) You are wearing size 12m and 18m clothes right now, and your shoe size is a 4.
Since my last monthly update you have gone from taking zero steps to WALKING ALL OVER THE PLACE! You took your first steps on January 28th, 3 days after you turned 10 months old, and you were walking all over the place by Valentine's Day. Crawling will soon be a memory, as your primary way of getting around is walking, you only crawl when you can't fit into tight spaces ;)
You are such a talker! Let's see if I can remember all of the words you are saying: Hey, Bye Bye, MaMa, DaDa, MeMe, Kitty, Meow, Baby, Ball, Banana (Nana), Mooooooooo! (Cow), Wow!, Bubbles, Dog, Duck, Bath.....I think that's it? You are getting to the point where you can repeat almost anything we say--you little Parrot! My mom says this is payback because I was a big talker and told everything to everyone when I was little, but I like it :)
You still aren't a great eater, but you are getting better! We discovered that you LOVE macaroni and cheese and for a few days you ate it up, then you realized how to suck the cheese off the noodles and spit the noodles out. Ugh! You still eat your vegetables pretty good, but not great.
Your fake banana....
Your real banana :)
Your sleep schedule is pretty dependable, but you aren't sleeping as well as I would like. You nap 2 times a day, morning and late afternoon, and you are usually ready for bed by 10, which is fine with me. You aren't sleeping well at night though. And I know this because, YES, you are still sleeping with
You are into EVERYTHING and you get SO mad when I pull you away from something you are not supposed to be into. You're goal every day is to get into the laundry room, where the cat food and litter box is. I close the door when I see you head that way and you throw a FIT! You also love to go into cabinets and have recently started gaining interest in the toilet. Daddy caught you about a second before you stuck your hands in the toilet a few weeks ago :) You like to play with electrical outlets that are being used and you like to push your luck and see how far we will let you stick your hands in the trash can, too. While you are doing these things you are saying "No no!". It's so hard to get on someone SO cute but tough love is best, baby!
We love you so much and are savoring these last moments with you as our 'baby' girl! Although you will soon be 'Miss Independent' you will always be my baby girl--no matter how old you get! Happy 11 Month Birthday, sweet baby girl!

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