
Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Friday, June 10, 2011

Not Quite (but almost!) Extreme Couponing

As some of you may know, I have a new addiction hobby! Who knew that couponing was SO much fun and didn't inform me?? I have been collecting coupons for 2 weeks now and already have a ton, and I can't wait to use them all! I'm not that great yet, I still spend more money than I would like, BUT I save more than I spend, EVERY TIME--so I'm happy! Here are the deals I have gotten this week!

This was my first couponing trip. I spent $40.97 and saved $87.61! The total would have been $128.35 without any coupons or my RITE AID savings card. I know it doesn't look like a lot of stuff, but it's expensive stuff and it's stuff you use everyday! Those razors are $10 razors! The infant Motrin (which we go through like toothpaste in this house) is normally $6 a bottle--both bottles cost me $0.00! I bought enough body wash this trip to last Jason the rest of the year :) I am not picky when it comes to razors so this should be enough razors (with what we already have) to last BOTH of us the rest of the year! I plan to stock up on things like this anytime I find a good deal. I read somewhere that you should never pay for toothpaste or toothbrushes because it's really easy to get them both for FREE, so that's what I'm going to try to do from now on :)

This is from my second shopping trip and I totaled it up and lost the paper with my calculations on it so I will go from memory for this one :) The 2 bottles of dish soap were .5 a piece :) 3 of the toothpaste's were FREE. The 2 boxes of Excedrine were FREE :) The Tide spray was $1.99, the 2 big mustards were .98 for both of them. The M & M's were FREE. I paid ~3.00 for the razors (originally $6.99) and got the two packs of diapers, two Crest toothpaste's and 2 bottles of shampoo/conditioner for ~$15.00. I was satisfied :) :) I usually don't use Pantene because everyone who has ever cut my hair has warned me of how bad it is for your hair, but I couldn't pass up such a great deal (AND I made some extra money off of it, otherwise I probably wouldn't have bought it). We will see if I like it when I use it :) So anyways, approximately $21.00 for all of this stuff! And diapers ain't cheap, honey!

And today, I bought 4 6-packs of Bounty paper towels, and got them all for $6.36 TOTAL! A 6 pack of Bounty paper towels up here run about $6.99 per pack. That's $28! I got 2 of the packs for $2.09 a piece (with a $3 off coupon) and then I had 2 1.00 off coupons in addition to my $3 off coupon, so the other 2 packs were only $1.09! That makes me a happy girl!

Sorry if this post bored you to death, but everyone wants to know more more more about couponing so there you go. If I can do it, YOU can do it. UNLESS you are like I USED to be and want the coupons handed to you. You gotta go get the Sunday paper and clip the coupons and do a little work. They ain't gonna fall in your lap, drag you to the store, fill your cart up for you, and pay for you. It takes a little work but the end result is DEFINITELY worth it!

Happy Couponing!


1 comment:

  1. glad you are getting into it. I still coupon, but I have NO time to devote to it.
