
Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Cinnamon Rolls

Look out Paula Deen! I think I found someone with recipes that are more fattening than yours! Last night I made Pioneer Womans cinnamon rolls and I must say I am pretty proud of myself! Me and flour do NOT get along, I do not bake so the fact that these turned out is a pure miracle....

It's a pretty horrendous process but the recipe makes 50 cinnamon rolls that you can freeze and reheat later! I haven't tasted them yet but they smell super delicious! I did taste the icing and it tastes a little too maple-y/coffee-y for me, but Jason thought it was delicious ( he's into that sorta thing)! Wish we could deliver them to our mamas this morning! Happy Mothers Day to my mama and my mama in law!! We love ya'll!

I just tried one of the cinnamon rolls and sadly, I'm a little disappointed--sorry Pioneer Woman, next time I will save a million hours, 9 cups of flour and lots of my patience and just buy the canned ones-- which are much more tasty in my opinion! They are good, don't get me wrong, just not worth the time it takes to make them.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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