It wasn't a long ultrasound, he pretty much just did a run through and checked to make sure nothing was wrong with me or her. I was fine and she was GREAT. She seems to be happy as a clam in there--hope we don't have a hard time getting her to come out! She is very low in my pelvis, which is why I am having so much pain. He said that the way she is laying, everytime she moves her head she is hitting a nerve and KILLING me! He also said she is laying "sunny side up", meaning she is laying on her back facing up--so we are belly to belly. He said that's fine for now, but she needs to roll over before it's time for her to come or that wouldn't be too good.
Last time we saw her she was busy chasing her umbilical cord the whole time--today the very first thing he said when he saw her was "that cord is HUGE!" When I asked him what that meant he responded "it means she is getting fed well and is very well nourished!" ha! He also said that she had some chubby cheeks and would be 'at least' 8 pounds when she is born. Other than her cheeks we couldn't see much--she was too busy sucking on her whole hand that she wouldn't move her arm out of her face for us to see :o(
Not much longer and I can pinch those chubby little cheeks!

awww, I love it. I nice healthy little girl! I really can not wait to see pictures and meet her. I will be sending something your way soon :)