I told ya'll we were going to go to a childbirth class Tuesday night, and we did--but sadly it was the last of 6 classes :o( We still sat in and got a lot of information, and the instructor said we could meet with her and she would go over more if we want. This last class was designated to go over what to expect when you go into labor and the different stages of labor, how to breath through contractions, how to push, etc., so that was what we needed information on anyways! She was trying to sugar-coat everything since Jason was the only male in the class, finally I told her to tell it like it is--he is used to it--living with me he gets to see and hear everything with no censors, ha! Jason DID want to know if he was going to be able to "get down there and help with anything" while I was in labor and what do you know, MY doctor is 'all for letting dad help out as much as possible'! Looks like I'm going to need someone else in the room, since my husband will be (trying to) deliver the baby!!! Aggggh!
Last night, Jason and I went to the local high school pool for some "exercise"...if that's what you want to call it, ha! I got in the baby pool, which was SO warm and relaxing, and felt SO good since it felt like it took all of the extra weight off of me :o) Jason DID get in the big pool and swam a few laps, I'll give him the credit he deserves! After we left the pool, I started feeling TERRIBLE, like I had all of a sudden came down with the flu--my whole body, down to my fingers was SO ACHY! I think Jason was scared we were going to have a baby last night, ha! But I am feeling much better today. I did realize though that we could have this baby any day now, so with that being said--I'm going to start washing PAISLEE clothes today! Yay! Let's hope I don't shrink anything, since she's going to be a little porker :o)
Can ya'll believe it's already Thursday???? Where has the week gone?? I have a feeling now that Jason is home, the weeks will keep flying by and Paislee will be here before we know it! Are we ready for this parenthood thing?? Aggghhhh! Ready or not, it's COMING!

awww, I am sure you are ready. I bet every body feels this way- ita a lifestyle change so I am sure this is how your body gets you used to it. Happy to hear that you were able to sleep a little better! Can't wait to hear the exciting news that the little girl is here ;)