I've been wondering for the past couple of months, HOW am I going to go from sleeping 'till noon, to being up at 2 and 4 and 6 in the morning for feedings, diaper changes and a crying baby? I have since then learned that the good Lord has a way of preparing you for motherhood, and it's not pleasant at all. I hate to keep complaining...well actually I don't because I have been through this whole pregnancy with very few complaints. AND I have been refraining from complaining as much on Facebook, SO since this is MY blog--I can complain if I want!! THIS HEARTBURN IS DRIVING ME CRAZY!!!! Between the past 2 nights, I have had a total of MAYBE 5 hours of sleep. I am FED UP, and think that if it weren't for the heartburn, I would be able to get a good night's rest-which I need right now since in about a month that will be taken away from me. So today I am going to the doctor and DEMANDING that she prescribe me something that will work. I have been complaining for 2 months to her and I am tired of hearing 'Tums, Zantac, Maalox, Mylanta, Gavescon,etc.'. This over the counter crap isn't cutting it, and when it gets to the point when I can't eat OR sleep--I'm not a happy girl. So hopefully soon I will be more pleasant and you all can quit hearing me complain about heartburn every single day.

Jason and I have been looking into taking a childbirth class at the hospital here in Valdez, so we are also going to talk to the lady in charge of those today. I heard a little rumor that there is actually one tonight so...SURPRISE Jason--guess what we're doing tonight? I mean, I think I can make it through without a childbirth class, and I think we have the ability to take care of a child without taking a class, but what could it hurt? I think it will be fun and will serve as some good bonding time for Jason and I :o) I'll keep ya'll updated and who knows? Maybe I can teach ya'll something :o)
Hope everyone has a great Tuesday! Mine will be fabulous if my husband actually makes it HOME today, as planned! Is it just me, or are the weeks FLYING by?

I am sorry to hear that Jason did not make it home.... what did you with the wonderful cake???? haha
ReplyDeleteHope he makes it home tonight :)
glad he made it home safely!!!
ReplyDeleteHope he made it home???? that stinks that he got stuck in ANC after so long! Get a prescription girl...there are a few things you can take for it during pregnancy and THEY WORK! or they did for me! one tiny little pill and you can sleep... i know how you feel. trying to remember what i was taking, i'll think of it and send you a message again. feel better!